To watch the Virtual State Wide Meeting Go TO "This Month" And Click On The Link
The First Coast Tiger Bay Club is a multi-partisan political and civic forum for informing our members about crucial issues of the day by interacting with outstanding speakers in a open format. The club is non-partisan, never supports particular candidates, nor takes sides in issues.
Speakers include political candidates, elected officials, opinion makers and "movers and shakers." Modeled after the National Press Club in Washington, Tiger Bay provides an neutral setting for reasoned public discourse.
While much of the world follows key political issues filtered through the media, the members of First Coast Tiger Bay Club, get their facts first hand. Members (only) ask frank questions and are known to use the Tiger's "Fang and Claw" to elicit a speaker's thoughts devoid of pretense or "spin".
Speakers include political candidates, elected officials, opinion makers and "movers and shakers." Modeled after the National Press Club in Washington, Tiger Bay provides an neutral setting for reasoned public discourse.
While much of the world follows key political issues filtered through the media, the members of First Coast Tiger Bay Club, get their facts first hand. Members (only) ask frank questions and are known to use the Tiger's "Fang and Claw" to elicit a speaker's thoughts devoid of pretense or "spin".